Thursday, November 24, 2011

You're Next, Respect them

It's a matter of time till we realize how people behave. We take life for granted. We take each day as a routine, not understanding we are only growing older; Speaking of which I am very happy to say I CARE!

I see all types of people, young, infants, old, mid-aged, chirpy, sad, depressed, anxious, loud, conservative, progressive, dominating, carefree and more of them. What makes us is our background and personality. It's easy to flaunt your high standards in life and esteem, very little do we know about ourselves. We look up to elders for sure but have our own thoughts rattling behind in the mind, wanting something different. It's obvious our elders have a difference in opinion and you can't blame them, they grew up in a different time. They know the consequences of actions we take, hence they stop us from being ridiculed or hurt. 
Have anyone of you been to an old age home? Maybe some of you have and for those of you who HAVE, you know how old people are. Elderly people who are strayed and abandoned or left by their family and some people who willingly stay at the old age home because of the misery they're forced to see at their home is itself such a shame. Parents and grandparents, your life is what it is because of them. You owe what you have to them and their guidance. No one was born perfect, you've been carved by experiences. I wonder how young parents or children decide to alienate elders and treat them like crap when old people need them the most. The question is why? Did they not love you when you were tiny? Did they not help you walk when you were young? Did these sweet grandparents or parents not support you with anything you wished for when you needed them the most? Where did your duty to be a good son or daughter vanish? Why can't you take care of them any longer? 
Just because these elder people ask you for a glass of water, or can't hear properly, or can't keep up pace to your fancy life you decide to abandon them? It is shameful. People don't realize how these elder people are easily wounded by your stupid actions. They need love, they need a hug, they need peace in their hearts when they are old and they want to know they are belonged and loved just like any one of us. When you go to an old age home to visit these people, they do not want anything from you. WHY? Because they want you to sit next to them and talk to them because they are so lonely. 

Aged people just want to talk to you and share so much in an old age home, they want to express what they feel. I don't know about any of you, but it kills me to see an aged man/woman cry. They spent all their life believing they are loved and wanted and then .. they are disowned or too much of responsibility for you? People if you want to share true joy VISIT OLD AGE homes and spend time with them, Hold their hands and smile and laugh with them. All they need is love. 

Spread love, peace, share your chocolates, smile, hug and live life king size cause this too shall pass...


  1. very powerful message..and the writing itself had me intrigued wit evey word. If everyone of us start being a human this world will be better place for everyone, its just greed which is killing human inside us. If only we care and look other ppl just like our fathers brothers sisters mothers we shall able to make this world better place .. PEACE love hugs

  2. very nicely written once again! so true that some idiots throw their parents in old age homes when they need their children's support the most. Just imagine what if that old couple threw those nincompoops in an orphanage when they need them the most. Moreover this is we talking in our indian society where parents are willing and do spend even the last penny left for their children. Suddenly, your blog reminded me of a story i read in my school time where a grandson tears the dirty cloth into two, wore by his grandfather given by pity to him by kid's father. When asked the reason for it by his father he says, "i'll keep this half torn cloth and one day when you'll grow old and will beg for something to cover your body in winters from me, just like grandpa begged to you, i'll give it to you."

  3. touching & nicely written.
    This is the sate of many old people even in our country. feels sad.

  4. nice 1.. watch this video

  5. Mevan WickremasingheNovember 25, 2011 at 4:47 AM

    This is something that really touched me. I see so many old people who are from sometimes very good families are treated poorly and/or sent to homes for the elders.

    I hate how people like that have days called "Mothers Day" or "Fathers Day" and come for visits just to quieten their own consciences by thinking that that's enough.

  6. Strong message. Well written. It was little unexpected from a girl who tweets about twilight, hating someone or going out most of the time.... Well done.

  7. It's so wrong, you know, throwing the people who made you what you are, out of your homes and lives. We must realize that this is not only a sin, but something that will hit you too in the future.
    Well written, again :)

  8. acha hai... cowland has an old age home, we will visit it next time i land up there.. :D mwah
