Monday, February 27, 2012

Cliché's .. and how I interpret them!!

A Cliche is something you might come across everyday. Trust me on this one .. You use and abuse certain words and phrases by overusing it so many times that they no longer hold and charm.

Perfect!! That's what people like me need ;) Bahaha! (Well! Serious isn't my thing .. Fun calls and hey .. Who doesn't interpret what someone has to say in 5 different ways?) So .. A few Cliche words and phrases well usually .. (Don't blame me later) that I come across and I say very often are gonna be put down here in this blog! :D

Here I go with the Cliches and their crazy translation in my head when I see people using them a lot! :P (Bear with me).. ;) I might sound Whiney :D 

  1. Calm before the storm - What I say is .. "Oh hell yeah somebody's gonna get whacked real bad baby" Bahaha :P Get your safety guards on ;) 
  2. Better Half - Well usually when someone tells me "She/He's my Better Half", I go thinking ..   Yeah sure, Lets see what half's left of you after a month moron .. Feel that and let me know, what were you thinking calling 'em your better half? O_O
  3. Give a Damn - Oh yes .. My kinds! Usually when people say this out loud, they mean it .. A few people who don't have this attitude well they just get Damned Roflol (PJ Roll) :P
  4. Hold your horses - Bahaha .. This!! #EPIC .. My so called Gujju friends (NO OFFENSE) go .. where are the horses and I go .. BAM! (I'm the uncool person when noone understands the damn phrase) :/
  5. I beg to differ - Has to be the most polite way to say .. Hey you .. Shut the F**k up man! You know whom you're messing with yet? O_O I'm right!! :P (Like I said .. real polite way to say excuse me shut up .. I think ..)
  6. In your face - Oh Burn! This is such a feel good phrase!! It's like .. There you go Biyyyotch! I TOLD YOU SO!! In your face!! :D (Overdoing it? Yeah! Who cares?) :P I was right and you are so wrong .. Na na na na na :P
  7. Kickass - Well .. This just means what It says man .. Bring It On!! I will do well no matter what!!
  8. Life's a bitch - O_O Wow really? We all know that don't we? But you still ride it? Erm .. (Oops! Live it?) Best way of saying .. Oh whatever .. It sucks but hey what the hell .. :)
  9. Number one fan - Well when I hear people saying that I wanna kick them so hard and say .. Hey I'm your number one critic .. FEEL IT? :P
  10. Read my Lips - (Shhh!!) In the most decent way .. Well when someone says that .. It's just very hard to not get cocky or corny and say .. "And then Do WHAT?" ;) Hahaha! 
  11. Work like a dog - Ok! I know this means like hard work and all! But really? Dogs are so cool man .. They sleep whenever they want and demand attention and eat whatever .. So "Are you really working out there?"
  12. One in a million - *rolls eyes* Ji haan! You are one in a million aren't you? All of us are .. Let us not do the math! (Math scares me anyway O_o) Can't you just say .. You're the best or the worst and just get on with it?
  13. Wake up call - Like come on .. Snap outta it man .. Reality Check? Tick Tock?? Ring a bell to you? No!! Well you might as well be a douche then .. TADA!
  14. Couldn't care less - Well this is a lil subjective .. You can really mean it!! Like in disgust or detest .. Or you can just say it to make yourself feel better :) Either ways .. you said it YOU COULDN'T Care Less :D 
  15. You can run, but you can't hide - This is ANNOYING X( I mean WTF? What does anyone even think before saying this? What are you a PSYCHO FREAKING KILLER .. ARE YOU CHASING ME WITH A FRIGGING KNIFE O_O Gosh!! Normal Terminologies please? :P 
  16. Have a nice day - Oh half the time you're just forces to say this to people you even hate to look at .. Put up that grinny face and go .. HAVE A NICE DAY and in your head you say Oh Burn in hell Bitch! :P 
  17. Every Dog has its day - Sure man!! VERY CONVINCING? Either your a great friend or astute freaking enemy in disguise .. I mean call me a Dog in the best way ever Eh? :P In any case .. yeah I'll get back atcha! :P 

Ermmm .. Yeah so I had like lots more of these but then .. It's never ending ;) Don't get ideas .. this is what I generally think when lame Cliches are thrown at me at random! :P 

Hope you guys have fun reading them! :D 

P.S. Hey Chill .. If you're a friend you know me better .. And if you're a stranger .. Erm .. Go on .. Judge away :D I GIVE A DAMN! :P


Monday, February 20, 2012

Where did it go wrong?

It Started off like a simple thing .. as easy as it could be. It's so hard to find good friends, but when you find the right friend and are happy with it things just have to screw up. Not easy to let go of any friends. Specially when you're such good friends in no time and there's so much to talk about inspite of the fact that the subject you chose was completely stupid or didn't make sense.
Isn't it funny when you don't know what went wrong and there you are .. wondering, tossing over and over, getting irritated, cursing luck or whatever situation that brought you to that fall. What went wrong? Why did it end? I mean there we were talking about stuff so random and fun last night? BBM'ing and gossiping how things were, how relationships were, how people and studies were, how we'd meet up and have fun hanging out ..  and BAM! Next thing you know you are punished for being honest about something you thought you should've warned him about .. you did! That hurt or pissed him off?
It's cruel really. I know so many people out there who'd be pissed with that one special friend who stopped talking for a completely stupid reason. It hurts actually .. More than the fact you want to kick that friend so bad for being a complete DUMASS and going to him/her and giving them a piece of you mind .. the fact that stops you from doing so is that .. IT SIMPLY HURTS! Why would a close friend you knew just simply be so illogical and stop talking? Specially when you're in the same circle for and everyone else is talking to you and you're talking to everyone .. that one friend will run in the opposite direction and yeah so will you .. Why? "DAMN IT!!" .. Is all you wanna shout out and probably feel your skin burning so hot with anger and hurt.
They say friends come for a reason .. Well do they get embarrassed and angry for a stupid thing and run away later? Wow .. that's real brave! Anyway .. this post goes out to all the friends who've been there and ditched your friend who somewhere deep inside really misses you .. Please be there ..
