I reckon events down the memory lane. Sometimes when you let your memories take over you have the most convincing bittersweet feeling that only you, within your heart can understand.
When dark at night, when the sun goes down, when people are busy winding their tired day up, for some who're wishing the day to end.. when a few are waiting eagerly for the night with expectations for maybe meeting someone, maybe anticipating someone's text late hours, party heads getting ready for another jive, lovers that wait just to unite, couples secretly disappearing from gatherings just to spend some time, people with crushes exchanging those secret eye locks and messages, that perfect long drive with the someone you met and had them figured wrong all the while and discover how amazing they are, the long walks you have with that girl/guy where you two possibly walk slower just to bargain time you want to spend with each other. So many emotions, so much to say, such little time and too many misunderstandings to solve.
Nights, the dark, the time between the sunset and sunrise may surprise you. The most unexpected things happen in the night. The time when you hide your faces in the shadows and speak freely of the will that maybe felt exposed in the light. Secrets spilled between friends late nights that easily pass on as strong memories. Sweet nothings between lovers who have nothing but that time frame where they can truly convince and determine what exists is surreal. Confessions that start something new, confessions that keep you awake. The dark brings those crazy times when you and your friends want to get wasted and debate on who's place to crash or even be crazy with. Night brings two strangers who always had feelings for each other, hidden maybe, together for maybe a small conversation.. where they get to know each other better and ease their nerves to happiness. Some may just hope their pain goes away, their happiness returns the next day. We are all playing a small part of the bigger stage.
Nights keep me up to be honest, for the thrill of it. I endure a lot of memories, live in them and remake those memories. I keep my memories alive at night and sometimes rethink them to make it better. Nothing is hidden from us, nothing. Our species, humans, we know a lot, but are scared to really ponder over the obvious for the fear of HURT. Hurt, its a powerful emotion, it can make or break so many. It's remarkable how we survive each day and wake up to the next feeling a different mood or a different person everyday. Hopes, wishes, dreams, desires, love, lust, prayers, hate, happiness, solitude, jealousy, happiness, assurance, longness - what is your pick at night?
Imagine the empty roads under the sky, how pretty they must be! The cold breeze, the starry nights, streets full of light.
Nights, what happens in the night is what marks a difference for our tomorrows. I made many friends, acquaintances and a lot of bestfriends. As cliche as it may sound, I adore the night for what it gives is peace. It is that slot of the 24 hours where your mind can unwind and repeat the day and your heart can give in or give up on situations. It is a breather for the soul. If happy, the emotions are heightened at night, if sad - misery overwhelms you completely. Such is the power of night. When God planned our stay as beings, I'm pretty sure he was convinced of the oddity of life for humans and maybe grinned at the splash of black he painted we call "Night".
All the anxiety, imagine what 7 billion people are doing right now? Given our different timezones someone this very moment is in love, someone may just have gotten a dream job, someone may just have married the man/woman of their dreams and some may be in deep slumber dreaming their dream. The dawn cracks brings hope, restores doubts or maybe gives you a new meaning to the day, the sun ensures that the night had happened and now you get to live what you went past last night. Embrace the dark, welcome the light.
When dark at night, your mind is free, your mind knows its state and is ready to give you answers you might have not known. Listen to your heart, let your mind take you places. When dark at night, don't be scared, you shine your brightest in the dark. Hold that true. For what nights holds is bittersweet, a mix and match of emotions you really need to reflect on.
Stay Blessed, Stay loved and always proud.
(I am a night person, nocturnal and epic)

Nights, the dark, the time between the sunset and sunrise may surprise you. The most unexpected things happen in the night. The time when you hide your faces in the shadows and speak freely of the will that maybe felt exposed in the light. Secrets spilled between friends late nights that easily pass on as strong memories. Sweet nothings between lovers who have nothing but that time frame where they can truly convince and determine what exists is surreal. Confessions that start something new, confessions that keep you awake. The dark brings those crazy times when you and your friends want to get wasted and debate on who's place to crash or even be crazy with. Night brings two strangers who always had feelings for each other, hidden maybe, together for maybe a small conversation.. where they get to know each other better and ease their nerves to happiness. Some may just hope their pain goes away, their happiness returns the next day. We are all playing a small part of the bigger stage.
Imagine the empty roads under the sky, how pretty they must be! The cold breeze, the starry nights, streets full of light.
Nights, what happens in the night is what marks a difference for our tomorrows. I made many friends, acquaintances and a lot of bestfriends. As cliche as it may sound, I adore the night for what it gives is peace. It is that slot of the 24 hours where your mind can unwind and repeat the day and your heart can give in or give up on situations. It is a breather for the soul. If happy, the emotions are heightened at night, if sad - misery overwhelms you completely. Such is the power of night. When God planned our stay as beings, I'm pretty sure he was convinced of the oddity of life for humans and maybe grinned at the splash of black he painted we call "Night".
When dark at night, your mind is free, your mind knows its state and is ready to give you answers you might have not known. Listen to your heart, let your mind take you places. When dark at night, don't be scared, you shine your brightest in the dark. Hold that true. For what nights holds is bittersweet, a mix and match of emotions you really need to reflect on.
Stay Blessed, Stay loved and always proud.
(I am a night person, nocturnal and epic)