Well well well! Inception, I must say, it's one of the most smartly made movies in recent times. The real question is "Is Inception too smart for its audiences?".
There seemed to be a growing consensus that Christopher Nolan’s film, which is about a team of criminals whose specialty is accessing the information people store inside their subconscious via their dreams, was too smart for audiences and that its marketing team was having a hard time selling it to middle America. It's a highly intelligent movie and one of the best science fiction films Warner Bros. has involved with, but too smart?
I feel it was a nice experiment and a lesson Hollywood could take, you know? A lesson that risking big money on big, original ideas can pay off in huge ways. Another big point to be grasped in is that, not every movie under the sun needs to be a 3D! Hello?? Movies with a good story, excellent timing, originality, awesome acting skills (most definately wow!), direction and patience pays off PEOPLE! It was riveting, if not always comprehensible.
Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Dom Cobb, a professional thief who specializes in swiping not cars or diamonds or paintings but intellectual property. What sets Dom apart from the typical chinese hacker, and what makes his services so appealing to his powerful corporate clients, is his expertise in “extraction,” a process whereby he utilizes a cutting-edge process known as “shared dreaming” to enter the mind of the mark while he or she is sleeping and steals information directly from their subconscious. However, the technology is never really explained, only referred to as an innovation of the US military.
Weary of his fugitive lifestyle and longing to be reunited with his two young children he agrees to take up a very dangerous assignment. The danger of the job lies where Instead of extracting an idea from Fischer’s brain, Dom will need to implant one. Inception’s waking life/dreaming life timing is a complicated one, and provided with all sorts of implications. To make it all work, dreamers are given a cocktail of sedatives to maximize REM sleep; So it's like when they die in a dream, they awake in real life; if they don’t die, they can be awake when kicked which ranges in intensity from a classical music melody to a punch in the face. Each dreamer carries a “totem,” a sort of personalized sum device to help them distinguish between reality and dream in times of doubt; and so on. Confusing? Why not!
One thing really, the explosions and gun battles and zero-gravity fist-fights are all amazing. I don't really know whether it was too smart a movie or not but i can definately speak up for myself and thats "Inception was an amazing movie for a change!" given all the twists and confusion.
Sums up to this, too smart? Neh! Nice? Definately! To everyone his own people! :)